DONATIONS can be dropped off:
We accept ALL food donations (perishable and non perishable), toiletries, GOOD CLEAN clothing, shoes, toys, bedding and towels. No furniture.
Mama Lana’s Community Foundation is not just about serving nutritious meals to the local community; and we are so pleased that one of our first long-term goals – to have our own premises with commercial kitchen, showers, toilets and dining room within the local CBD – has been realised! As of early 2018, we have a premises in Penrith which enables us to store donated clothing and food stocks, while being a warm, inviting environment for the patrons. The foundation would also like to increase the number of food vans on the road to reach people in locations further afield. We have so many plans to ensure we reach as many people in need as we possibly can.
Mama Lana’s started in October 2013 feeding the RFS and volunteer of the October 2013 mountains bush fires. MLCF now provides food 6 nights a week, Monday through to Saturday.
MLCF is the only local food service that operates all year with no holiday breaks or missed nights and provides hot dinners, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, sandwiches and dessert all free to our local community that are either homeless or at risk of homelessness.
It costs MLCF anywhere between $3 to $10 per serve depending on the menu item, what ingredients have been donated and what we receive from Coles or Foodbank.
MLCF also provide crisis food hampers to struggling and at risk of homelessness local families that are doing it a bit tough. Non-perishable and perishable items are provided, depending on the items that have been donated and what we receive from both Coles and Foodbank food hampers cost MLCF between $50 to $100 per family.
MLCF is an ACNC registered not for profit organisation run solely on 100% volunteer power with 100% of all donations going directly to our cause. There are no admin costs and no wages or salaries. MLCF is NOT government funded in any way. All of the above would not be possible without all of you, our generous supporters, for which we are truly grateful for.
If you would like to make a monetary donation, donations are best made through PayPal
Alternatively, a bank deposit can be made directly to the following account. Please provide your name or other similar reference and if you require a tax receipt please send the deposit confirmation to
BRANCH: Penrith
BSB: 641-800
Acc: 200698795
Name: Mama Lana’s Community Foundation
All Donations $2 and over are tax deductible.
Would your business like to sponsor Mama Lana’s Community Foundation? We would love to have you on board and have a full Corporate Sponsorship pack available. Please contact us to discuss how Mama Lana’s can partner with your business.
Our TURN THE TABLES program, also gives local businesses the opportunity to partner with us to support our rental and associated costs.
Donations of non perishable items (unopened and in date) are gratefully received and can be dropped to our premises during opening hours. These may include:
View a full list of the non-perishable items we appreciate: MLCF Donation Request List.
Perishable food items may include food left over from an event catered that day, fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, roast or sandwich meats etc. Donations of dessert or cheese and cracker packs for distribution at meal service are also gratefully received.
For donations of perishable food items, please contact MLCF directly on 0407 909 447.
Unfortunately, due to limited storage space we generally cannot accept donations of clothing, furniture or household appliances. However, from time to time we may make requests via our Facebook page for such items should a specific need arise e.g. for a recently housed patron. Our Facebook page is a great way to follow what specific donations we may currently be seeking, as we will make requests when necessary to respond to a shortage or in order to meet the specific needs of a patron/patrons.